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"That the generation to come . . . might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments."
Psalm 78:6-7

We believe young people need to learn Biblical principles to help them increase in spiritual maturity. Throughout the year, our young people have the opportunity to attend Christian camps and youth conferences. Each week, our church offers young people multiple opportunities to grow in their relationship with Christ and serve in the ministries of the church.

Teen Class & Youth Choir

Our Teen Class meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. The lessons are designed to give young people a solid foundation for what they believe and why they believe it.

Youth choir is open for teens and young adults to join and sing God-honoring music. 

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Ministry Mentorship

Each week our pastor meets with the young men in our church and teaches them about practical aspects of ministry. These young men also have the opportunity to apply what they're learning by preaching in Sunday evening services, making hospital visits, and more.

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